Special Offers page summary here
All of the above (retail price $319.55)
This selection adds a bottle of Elim 1 and a Gut Revival probiotic to your kit. Directions will be emailed to you.
Retail Price $319.55
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All of the above (retail price $410.25)
This selection adds a bottle of Elim 1 and substitutes 3 bags of Organic Mung Dahl Beans for the default 10 Organic Kitchari packets, and adds 1 Gut Revival probiotic to your kit. Downloadable instructions will be provided upon check-out on all the applicable cleanses with Organic Kitchari packtets and Organic Mung Dahl Beans.
Retail Price $410.25
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Candida, SIBO, and Microbiome Reset (retail price $291.60)
This selection adds 1 Gut Revival probiotic to your kit. Downloadable instructions will be provided upon check-out.
Retail Price $291.60
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Candida, SIBO, and Microbiome Reset (retail price $382.30)
This selection substitutes 3 bags of Organic Mung Dahl Beans for the default 10 Organic Kitchari packets, and adds 1 Gut Revival probiotic to your kit. Downloadable instructions will be provided upon check-out on all the applicable cleanses with Organic Kitchari packtets and Organic Mung Dahl Beans.
Retail Price $382.19
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Colorado Ayurvedic Cleanse Online Support Only
The 14-Day Gentle Detox Journey for cultivating mind body resilience – online support only