Eat Wheat Research Supplement eBook


A supplement to the Eat Wheat book: Over 270 additional studies curated by the Oldways Whole Grains Council.

eBook | 68 pgs

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In my book, Eat Wheat: A Scientific and Clinically-Proven Approach to Safely Bringing Wheat and Dairy Back Into Your Diet, I was able to incorporate over 600 studies as references. However, every day, more and more studies are showing the benefits of whole grains. I compiled this research supplement eBook to share even more truly compelling studies to back up these benefits that didn’t make it into Eat Wheat. I hope this research supplement is helpful to you.

These studies were compiled originally by the Oldways Whole Grains Council, who has graciously agreed to allow us to reproduce these abstracts in this format for you. The Whole Grains Council is a nonprofit consumer advocacy group working to increase consumption of whole grains for better health. The Whole Grains Council’s many initiatives:

  • encourage manufacturers to create delicious whole grain products
  • help consumers to find whole grain foods and understand their health benefits
  • help the media to write accurate, compelling stories about whole grains

Visit the Whole Grains Council at